Addition Facts Packet

It is very important for students to learn their math facts.  I want my students to have their math facts memorized by 3rd grade so that they are not counting each addition problem on their fingers.  So, I made an Addition Fact Packet to help with this.  It includes and introductory page for each math fact, 5 (front and back) practice pages, fact assessments after each fact, review assessments starting with 40 problems and increasing to 100 problems, and flash cards.  The repetition really does help the kids learn their facts.  I also like to play Beat the Teacher with my kids when they are doing the practice pages.  I will give them between 1 1/2 minutes - 2 minutes depending on how long we have been practicing the fact.  They try and beat me on my time.  Sometimes I will even give them a head start.  They LOVE doing this.  I always do side A in class and send side B home for homework.  Below are some pictures of the practice pages.  If you are interested in having a copy you can get it HERE at my TPT store.  I also have a Subtraction Fact Packet you can get HERE.

Introductory Practice page
 Practice Pages
 Review Assessments
 Fact Cards.  I like to color code mine by facts.

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