Leap Year Sale
Hey guys! There is a BIG Leap Year Sale at TeachersPayTeachers today!! I am offering 20% off on all of my products today. On top of that 20%, TPT is offering another 10% off items. You can check out my store HERE. There are also many other sellers throwing a sale today! Be sure to check it out and use the code L2P9Y to get your extra 10% off!!
Groundhog Day Writing
Groundhog day is always a fun holiday to talk about in your classroom. The kids always enjoy learning new facts about groundhogs, and they always get excited about watching Phil come out of his hole and giving us a weather report. Yesterday we did a writing activity to go with Groundhog Day. First, I read the students Wake Up, Groundhog! Then, we talked about what it means if he sees his shadow and if he doesn't see his shadow. After our discussion, I had them decide whether or not they wanted Phil to see his shadow and why. They filled out a graphic organizer listing 5 reasons why they did or did not want Phil to see his shadow. After they filled out the graphic organizer, they wrote their reasons in story form. We also made groundhogs out of our fingerprints.
This activity will be included in my February Writing Packet.
This activity will be included in my February Writing Packet.
Valetine's Day Coupons
Every year, for every holiday, I struggle with what to get my students. I hate to get them something that will be thrown away as soon as they get home or that other students bring in for the gift bags. So, this year I decided to make my students Valentine's Day coupon books. In their coupon books, I will put a homework pass (every kid loves those), bean bag during reading time, and other fun FREE things that my kids love. I love this idea because the kids will enjoy it, it is different from their other gifts, and most importantly it is a free gift!! You can get a FREE copy HERE at my tpt store. Happy Valentine's Day!
Compare and Contrast
This is a really cute activity that I found in Mailbox magazine. Students are able to compare and contrast themselves with other students in the class. My kids had a blast with this activity. They actually asked me if they could do it again. That was music to my ears. They had fun while comprehending a skill!! This is also a really great "getting to know each other" activity for the beginning of the year.
All you do is make a Venn diagram on a white piece of paper. Then you pair your students up. I let my students pick their partners, but you could assign partners. Then they compare and contrast their looks and interests. After they are done, they make their circle look like them by adding eyes, a nose, ears, and hair. A few of my girls even got creative and added earrings.
All you do is make a Venn diagram on a white piece of paper. Then you pair your students up. I let my students pick their partners, but you could assign partners. Then they compare and contrast their looks and interests. After they are done, they make their circle look like them by adding eyes, a nose, ears, and hair. A few of my girls even got creative and added earrings.