Ouch! That hurts me!

Being a second grade teacher, I get a lot of students complaining of things that hurt.  I also learned the hard way how important it is to document document document.   So, I started the Ouch book.  In this book, I have clinic passes and a clinic log.  Every time I send a student to the clinic I log their name and the reason they went.  Even though the nurse keeps a log, it is nice to have your own documentation.

Recipe of Me

At the beginning of the year, I have the students complete at Recipe of Me.  This is activity is great for getting to know your students.  I also encourage parents to help their child with this activity.  So, it gives them some time to have a little fun with their child.  All they do is create a recipe to describe their personality and interests.  I send home a letter with an example and a recipe card for them to use.  I also ask the parents to send in a picture of their child to use with the activity.  If they do not send in a picture, I take one for their recipe.  After they have their picture and recipe, the students decorate the page.  This is displayed in the hallway at the beginning of the year.  Then I place it in the front of their writing portfolio for them to take home at the end of the year.  You can get the lesson plan for free at TeachersPayTeachers.