Meet The Teacher Monday

Hey guys! I am linking up with

About Me
My name is Julia and I am 27 years old.  I am engaged to Jack Casteel.  We are getting married this school year!!  We have 2 dogs named Romeo and Rocky.

 At our engagement party

 Our babies snuggling

This is my 6th year teaching 2nd grade.  I always wanted either 2nd or 3rd grade.  I graduated from Tennessee Tech University and started my job hunt.  I got hired the day after school started.  It was a created position because there were too many kids in 2nd grade that year.  I really lucked out!!  My classroom was actually in a workroom also because there was limited space in the school.  I did not have a computer or a white board for quite some time.  I have come a long way since then!!
You Might Not Know......
I have always wanted to be a teacher.  I was born into a family of teachers.  I also have 5 brothers and sisters.  So I spent most of my childhood playing school and teaching my younger siblings with old teacher manuals.  You could ask me at 3 years old what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would always say "I want to be a teacher."  I am also marrying a teacher!
This year
This year I am looking forward to a lot of things.  In my personal life, I am really looking forward to the wedding.  In my professional life, I am really looking forward to my new set of students.  We have been in school for 3 weeks now, and I really have a sweet bunch that is really eager to learn.  They also work work really well in groups.  I am really looking forward to this because that isn't the case every year.  It is great having a group of students that can work together and that can handle things out of the ordinary.

What I need to improve......
If you are a teacher, you know that there are ALWAYS things that you need to improve on.  That is the case with me.  There are many things I want to improve on.  One thing is that I want to be able to come up with more learning focused centers.  This is something that our school is really trying to push and that I haven't fully accomplished yet.  So, I plan on working really hard this year towards that goal.  
I also want to start the Daily 5 and Reading Cafe.  I bought a subscription to the site but feel completely lost and overwhelmed since I have not read the book yet.  So, that is another goal that I want to accomplish in order to improve reading and writing in my classroom.  

Teaching Supplies I cannot live without....
One thing I cannot live without is my scented markers!!! The kids absolutely LOVE them.  Since we do a lot of work together, I usually have another child go around and check papers.  They love using the scented markers and being surprised from day to day as to what scent we will use.  
I also could not live without my Promethean Board.  It makes my life sooooooo much easier!  The kids love being able to come to the board, do interactive games, and watch clips on the big screen!!

Another thing I can't live without is.......JUNIE B. JONES!! I LOVE Junie B.  The kids love to listen to me read the books to them and I love reading her books.  She cracks me up.  It is a nice stress relief for me and the kiddos.

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